Privacy Policy

Company Information

Full Business Name: Candido's Carpet Cleaning LLC

Contact Details:

Address: 10700 NE 14th St, Vancouver, WA

Phone: 503-381-7840

Email: [email protected]


Data Collection

Types of Data Collected

Personal Information:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Phone Number

  • Email

  • Service Preferences

Methods of Data Collection

  • Website Forms

  • Phone Calls / Texts

  • Emails

  • In-Person Visits

Data Use

Purpose of Data Use

  • Service Delivery: To provide and manage our services.

  • Marketing and Promotions: To inform you about special offers and services.

  • Customer Support: To respond to your inquiries and provide support.

  • Internal Record Keeping: To maintain accurate records of transactions and services.

Third Parties Involved

  • Payment Processors: To process payment transactions securely.

  • Marketing Platforms: To assist with promotional activities.

Data Protection

Security Measures

  • Encryption Methods: We use industry-standard encryption to protect your data.

  • Secure Storage Practices: Your data is stored securely to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Access Controls: Only authorized personnel have access to your data.

Data Retention Policies

  • Retention Period: 2 years.

  • Criteria for Data Deletion: Data will be deleted if you are no longer interested or have moved away from our service area.

Customers Rights

Rights Regarding Data

  • Access: You have the right to access your data.

  • Correction: You can request corrections to your data.

  • Deletion: You can request the deletion of your data.

  • Objection to Processing: You can object to how your data is processed.

  • Data Portability: You can request a copy of your data in a portable format.

Procedures to Exercise Rights

  • Timeframe for Response: We will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Policy Updates

Update Procedures

Notification Method: We will inform you about updates to the privacy policy via email.Frequency of Reviews: Yearly.

By using Candido's Carpet Cleaning LLC services, you agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at

[email protected]

10700 NE 14th St, Vancouver, WA 98664, USA

Get In Touch


Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm

24/7 Emergency Response

Office: 10700 NE 14th St Vancouver, WA 98664

Call: (360)369-3515


Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved